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  2. Tag & Log for Harvesters/Dealers
  3. Creating Shellfish Harvest or Dealer Tags

How do I record quantities?

We changed quantity recording to better reflect how businesses keep track of what they have.  This allows you to capture bags inside a box, dozens, and many other quantities. 

Key features:

  1. Capturing quantity in a more flexible way
  2. Printing quantity on shipping labels and bulk tags

Quantity User Experience

The screen will look different, but for most of you this will not be a big change. Once you set it up, you will use favorites 99% of the time.  Here are the details.

Step 1: Fill in your tag data as you normally would then tap next

Step 2:  Set the quantity and save. There are a few options for quantity, we’ll go through each.

  • Gross (total weight, volume or count))
  • Custom (example: dozen count boxes, 2lbs bags pack in a Vat…), 
  • Favorites (once you create a custom quantity it will show up in favorites for that product)

Gross (aka total amount):

Use the Gross Quantity options displayed if you want to record your quantity without any notation for bags, boxes, or other containers. Select which gross option you’d like to use, then enter the quantity details and set your printing preferences.

New: we now support more measures and it’s easy for us to add more. Ex: Pieces, Dozens, Gallons, Ounces, Pints, Pounds and Kilograms.


  • Gross count: 532 pieces - 1 bulk tag
  • Gross weight: 42.6 pounds 
  • Gross volume: 1.75 gallons

If you’re using gross quantity, ex: 532 pieces, we print the gross quantity on the tag, we do not divide your gross quantity by the number of tags you’re printing. So this example would print as 532 count.


Do not use “Gross” if you’d like to specify what your product is packed in, for example: Bags, Boxes, Totes, Bushels, Vats, etc.

Custom Quantities

Create quantities the way you work and save them as favorites so no one has to think about it again.  

Tap “Custom” on the “Set quantity” screen, then fill out the “Custom quantity” form: 

  • Measure: pieces, dozens, pounds, kilograms, gallons….
  • Measure count (shown as “Pieces per bag” in the example below): set how many, e.g. 100 pieces, 5 dozens, etc.
  • Container: what’s it packed in?
  • Associated animals: which species this quantity applies to for quicker selection in the future if you save this as a favorite.
  • Containing container: specify if your containers (bags, boxes, etc) are packed in another container like a pallet, vat, or case - this is optional
  • Save to favorites: if this is something you want to reuse over and over, toggle on “Save to favorites” for quick use in the future.

In this example, we have 100 count bags which are packed in a case. In the next step, set how many bags and how many cases. 


After completing the “Custom quantity” form above, tap “Done”.

Then on the “Enter quantity” screen (shown below), fill in the number of bags per case, the number of cases, and the number of tags and labels you'd like to print. In my example I have 5 cases each packed with 6x100 Ct. bags, so 30 total bags. Tap “Save” and you’re done.



Any favorites you save during the steps shown above will appear in the first quantity step.  We will bubble to the top favorites used for that animal type.  For instance, if you are doing clams, saving favorites for 5 lb. and 10 lb. bags may be appropriate.  Whereas if you are doing Lobster, 50 lb. totes may be handy.


After you save a log item using the new quantity features, your log will now reflect the new way we express those quantities in the system.


Tag and Label Changes:

Shipping labels: 

Shipping labels reflect what’s in the largest container used.

  • For example, if  the largest container is a case, the quantity is printed as: 600 Ct. 1 case 6x100 Ct.- the intention is you can put one label on each case.
  • If there’s no larger, outer container like a case, then the total count would be printed as 600 Ct.

Bulk tag quantities work the same way as the shipping label.

The example below shows a bulk tag. A bulk tag is similar to the dealer tag, but reflects the total quantity of the largest container it’s used on and includes all the same KDEs as the dealer tag + a bulk disclosure.  

The regular harvest or dealer tag reflects the smallest container used, or if there’s no container then the entire gross quantity. Continuing with our “bags in a case” example, this tag would be attached to one of the 100 ct. Bags, so the quantity is 100 Count.

A suggestion for how to use quantity:

If ultimately your goal is to understand how much product you harvested or handled and create an accurate log, then you should not edit the quantity field to facilitate printing tags with different quantity values for the same lot. (Of course, edit it if you’re fixing a mistake).

For example: you have a lot and some of it is packed in 5# bags, and some is packed in 10# bags. You’d need two different lots added to the log - one to reflect the 5#s and one for the 10#s. To make this easier, we have the COPY feature which lets you copy everything in a given log entry, then you can adjust only the fields that matter.

Questions? Please reach out to the BlueTrace team, we're happy to help!