How do I use Items in the BlueTrace iOS app?

Using items is very simple, select the item, then fill in all the lot details and key data elements and save.

First, enable iOS to use items, here's how you do that in the web application:

Settings > iOS App > Check off Items > Save Setting



This article is broken down into three parts, feel free to jump to the section that is important to you.

Tagging App: Harvest

I created an item for Farmed USA Littlenecks : 100 CT. Here's what it looks like in the web application. You can see that the following fields are already defined on the item:

  • Size: Littlenecks
  • Habitat: Farmed
  • Species: Clam
  • Department: Clams
  • Quantity Description: 100 Count Bag
  • Country of Origin: USA

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 2.42.03 PM

Harvest Using Items in iOS

In the iOS app, simply select the item, then fill in any other data points critical to capture about the harvest event, like the harvest location, date and lot #. 


Distributor App: Receive

I created an item for Clam : Littleneck : Farmed : USA : 100 Count Bag. Here's what it looks like in the web application. You can see that the following fields are already defined on the item:

  • Department: Clams
  • SKU: CLA101
  • Size: Littlenecks
  • Habitat: Farmed
  • Species: Clam
  • Quantity Description: 100 Count Bag
  • Country of Origin: USA


Receive Using Items in iOS 

In the iOS app, simply select the item, the quantity of the lot being received, then fill in any other lot or harvest details. 

Receive via Scanning a Tag Using Items

In the iOS app, tap scan, then scan the tag's QR code to receive it.

Set the item, confirm the quantity, set or confirm the vendor, fill in your temps. 

All the harvest details are imported when you scan, so no need to enter that data. Your item details are used to fill in all the items properties defined on the item in the web app. 


Distributor App: Pack an Order

Once you've received lots using items, creating an order is simple. In the example below, we're shipping 12 bags of littlenecks to a customer from 2 different lots. All you need to do is set how many bags you're pulling from each lot.