Creating & Managing Vendors

For users with access to our Distributor packages, you can create, view, and edit vendors from inside the web or iOS app.

BlueTrace Web App

Your Vendors can be created an managed from the BlueTrace web application. Navigate to "Sales" then "Vendors". You will see a list of all the Vendors you have created, and can add new.

Also, under each Vendor you can setup "Contacts" to track who should be contacted for delivery issues or payments.

Here's an example of how to create a Vendor and a contact:

BlueTrace iOS App

First up, you have a setting in the web app that tells the iOS app to use Vendors from the web app. To set that up: Web App > Settings > iOS App > Check off Companies > Save Setting

Once that's up and running, we can migrate your existing vendors into this new model. Then you can create/edit vendors in the iOS app as needed - or head to the web app to manage them.

All the vendors and contacts you create in the web app are visible in the iOS app (and vice versa). You can also fill in limited vendor info in the iOS app, then complete it later when you're at your computer.